Easy doodles to do in class to stay relaxed and creative.

You know that feeling when you start scribbling on the edge of your notebook, and suddenly, everything feels a bit calmer? That is the magic of doodling.
Doodling in class can be more than just a fun distraction; it is a brilliant way to keep your mind sharp and your creativity flowing. Whether you are daydreaming in history or waiting for the bell to ring, these doodle art ideas will keep your hands busy and your stress levels low.
Plus, research shows that doodling can actually help improve memory and concentration.
This post introduces 7 simple & easy doodles to do in class.
#1 Leaves

Leaves are super easy to draw and look beautiful, even with just a few lines. Start by drawing a simple curved line for the stem, and then add some small, curved lines on each side to create the leaf shape. You can experiment with different types of leaves, like long, thin ones or short, round ones. Try filling the leaves with patterns like dots, stripes, or zigzags to make them more interesting!
#2 Flowers

Flowers are a classic doodle, and they are perfect for adding a pop of creativity to your notes. Begin with a small circle in the centre, then draw petals around it. You can make the petals round, pointed, or even heart-shaped! Mix and match different flower styles, or try creating a whole garden on the corner of your page.
#3 Nature

Why stop at leaves and flowers? Expand your doodles to nature including the weather, trees, clouds, and mountains. Start with simple shapes, like a triangle for a tree or a wavy line for a cloud. Don’t worry about making them perfect—nature is wonderfully imperfect! Add a sun peeking from behind the mountains, or draw a cute little bird sitting in the tree.
#4 Animals

Doodling animals is a fun way to challenge yourself. You can start with simple ones like a cat or a fish. For a cat, draw a circle for the head and two triangles for the ears. Add two big eyes, a tiny nose, and some whiskers, and you have got a cute kitty! Don’t be afraid to get creative—maybe your cat has stripes or polka dots.
Or, you can draw a whole zoo with different animals!
#5 Food

Food doodles are deliciously fun! Whether it is a slice of pizza, a doughnut, or an ice cream cone, these doodles will definitely make you smile. Start with simple shapes—a triangle for pizza, a circle for a doughnut, or a cone with a swirl on top for ice cream. Add sprinkles, cheese, or toppings to make them look extra yummy!
#6 Household Items

Look around your room—anything can become a doodle! Lamps, cups, chairs, or even your favourite mug are great places to start. Begin by drawing the basic shapes—rectangles, circles, or squares—and then add little details like patterns, handles, or textures. Doodling everyday objects is a great way to practise drawing different shapes and lines.
Or if you are in class, just look around for inspiration.
#7 Using Doodle Prompts

If you still feel stuck, try doodle prompts. A prompt could be anything— for instance, I am using “Design a swirling, colourful galaxy with abstract patterns” and “Create a whimsical cityscape filled with doodles and quirky building” in the picture above.” You can find loads of prompts online, or make up your own. The best part? There is no right or wrong way to do it. Let your imagination run wild!
List of Doodle Prompts
If you have enjoyed these doodle art ideas, you will love the doodle prompts in these drawing books that will keep you doodling all day long.

There is something for everyone. Grab your favourite themes and start doodling.
This article is all about easy doodles to do in class.
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